♥ Jewelry Care

♥ How do I clean my jewelry and how often should I clean it?

Regardless of your lifestyle and how careful you are with your jewelry, it does need to be cleaned. With some simple daily maintenance and an occasional deep clean, your piece can retain its vibrancy.

Cleaning cautions:

1. 14K Gold Filled, 14K Rose Gold Filled and Sterling Silver pieces can be soaked, but don’t use rags or brushes. Rub gently with your fingers only. Please use solution made out of baking soda mixed with water.

♥ Everyday Maintenance

After each wear, gently remove makeup and oils that can transfer from your skin to your jewelry by wiping it clean with a soft cloth. If you know you’ve been sweaty that day or think the piece might have product on it (especially sunscreen!), we highly recommend giving it a quick rinse in lukewarm water and then drying it with a soft cloth. Taking your jewelry off and storing it while you sleep will also increase its longevity, as it reduces exposure to air and natural skin oils.

♥ Deep Cleaning

If you know your piece was exposed to large amounts of sunscreen, sweat or any other harmful chemical or product, it’s best to give it a deep clean ASAP (we also recommend giving it a deep clean every dozen wears or so regardless). Here’s the best way to deep clean your piece:

1. Get a bowl of warm water and mix in a touch of gentle soap or mild dish soap

2. Soak your piece in the bowl for about a minute

3. Scrub the chain with an ultrasoft toothbrush, making sure to really get into the gaps where dirt and product like to build up; avoid scrubbing the bar or pendant as it could scratch.

4. Rinse under lukewarm water a few times to ensure soap is absent

5. Dry extremely well for storage


♥How do I clean and care for my jewelry?

Even if you are diligent about making sure your jewelry doesn’t get exposed to product or other harmful chemicals, your body’s natural oils can still cause tarnish over time.

We recommend giving it a thorough clean every dozen wears or so by soaking it in a bowl of warm water and mild dish soap for about a minute and then rubbing it with a cotton rag or soft-bristled brush.

Beyond that, we have a list of other handy tips for helping give your pieces good, long lives:

1. After each wear, gently remove makeup and oils that can transfer from your skin to your jewelry by wiping it clean with a soft cloth.

2. When getting ready, try to put on your jewelry last to avoid contact with harsh chemicals that can be in things like hairspray or perfume.

3. If you had an active day and perspired a lot, it’s especially important to clean off your jewelry.

4. Be especially wary of sunscreen! It can cause severe, accelerated tarnishing on your pieces.

5. Avoid leaving your jewelry dirty. If you’re not going to wear it for a while, make sure it’s clean.

6. Store well-cleaned jewelry in an airtight container such as a ziplock bag.

7. Take off your jewelry before you go to sleep—it will do a great deal to help it last longer!


♥ Will my piece tarnish?

How susceptible your piece is to tarnishing depends on what it’s made out of. General advice about jewelry care can be found here.

♥ Gold-Fill:

Though gold-fill can naturally tarnish over time, it’s easily cleaned! We include a polish cloth in our packaging which we recommend using only when your piece is dull or tarnished—not for everyday cleaning purposes. It should be used “lightly” and not pressed hard against the metal to remove tarnish, as it could rub off the gold on your piece over time.

♥ Rose Gold-Fill:

Rose gold fill is more prone to tarnishing than gold-fill because of the small amount of copper alloyed with the gold that gives it its beautiful pink color. but the same care tips that apply to gold fill also apply to rose gold-fill.

♥ To prevent rose gold and gold-fill tarnishing:

• Avoid getting any product on your jewelry

• Clean it with mild soap and warm water and thoroughly dry it after wearing

• Store it in an airtight container such as a ziplock bag

• Avoid exposure to humidity

♥ Sterling Silver:

Sterling silver does tarnish due to a natural chemical reaction that occurs when silver is exposed to air—even the most expensive sterling silver jewelry in the world tarnishes over time.

Luckily, un-tarnishing sterling silver is pretty simple. Just give it a quick rub with a polishing cloth or use a product such as Wright’s Silver Cream.

Please note that sterling silver will tarnish more readily during humid summer months, or when left sitting out in exposed air for long periods of time.

♥ 14k Solid Gold:

Solid gold doesn’t tarnish, but like everything else, it can lose its shiny, polished finish through regular wear and tear. Simply shine it up again using a soft cloth to return it to an original luster.


♥ Can my jewelry get wet?

Be cautious to avoid water treated with chemicals; we recommend taking your pieces off before jumping in a pool or hot tub.

If you do choose to shower wearing your jewelry:

1. Make sure your soap, shampoo and other products are mild, with a lower pH. Highly fragranced and antibacterial products should be avoided.

2. Rinse your piece thoroughly after it has been exposed to product.

3. Take off pieces to apply lotion or creams, and put them back on once the lotion is dry.


♥ Can gold make my skin turn green?

You’ve probably heard that gold jewelry can turn skin green or black after prolonged wear. Though very rare, this can occur even when using only high-quality materials.

This discoloration is not caused by the pieces themselves, but by a few common external factors—it can even happen with solid gold pieces.

Here are three common ways gold can discolor skin:

♥ Metallic abrasion

This can occur when makeup or other cosmetics come in contact with your piece. Since gold is a soft metal, makeup can contain compounds that are harder than gold, causing super tiny particles to rub off over time. When this particle dust comes in contact with an absorbent surface (such as your skin), it can stick and form a black or green smudge.

♥ Corrosion of metals

Even 14k solid gold contains other, non-gold alloys in it. Sweat and other natural oils from your body can cause corrosion of these non-gold metals, leaving a dark chemical compound behind which can stain your skin. This reaction can be worsened in semi-tropical locations and near the ocean where salt is in the air.

♥ Chlorine

Chlorine from pools and hot tubs can eat away at gold and other metals to cause corrosion, leaving behind black or green smudges on the skin.

♥ Here are a few helpful tips for avoiding discoloration of the skin:

1. Always take off your jewelry before entering chlorinated water

2. When applying cosmetics, remove your jewelry beforehand and wash your hands thoroughly before putting them back on

3. Clean your pieces often